the realm of death is marked by a perpetual game of performing and hiding, it
is also marked by futility. As we have seen, the vacuum we are trying to fill
is God-shaped. We are created to experience unconditional
and unsurpassable worth. Our
innermost being longs for this love. But the worth we receive from our idols is
neither unsurpassable nor unconditional. It is limited in depth and duration,
and it is conditioned upon whatever we did to acquire it. For this reason, the
limited worth we acquire never attaches to our innermost being, our spirit.
Instead, it attaches to whatever we did to get it—our performance. It attaches
to our doing, not to our being. It thus never satisfies our inner
being, which was created to be filled with unconditional and unsurpassable
worth from our self-created idols is like eating a large meal and having every
morsel get stuck in our teeth. The meal might taste good, but it won’t nourish
us, let alone fill us up. For none of it will reach our stomach. So too we may
feast upon the worth our religious or secular idols temporarily give us, but
none of it reaches and satisfies our innermost being. It attaches to what we do, not to who we are. It wasn’t given to us for free and thus doesn’t feed
our inner being. Once the distraction of the good taste is gone—the best our
idols can give us is a nice distraction—we are left with our emptiness once
is why the hunger that gnaws at our hearts as we live in Adam never fully goes
away and why we cannot simply decide to stop feeding ourselves from the idols
of this world. Regardless of how successfully we acquire life from our
performance, we are simply never satisfied. We are separated from our true
source of life, and our spirit continues to starve. So long as our spirit is
starving, we cannot help but try to feed it. Yet so long as we persist in the
lie that we can satisfy it on our
own—if only we can do more, acquire more, perform more good, hide more evil,
and so forth—we will continue to starve. We’re caught in a self-perpetuating,
vicious cycle of futility.
billionaire who continues to work fourteen hours a day to earn more and the
religious ascetic who continues to punish his body to get closer to God reveal
one and the same disease.
Only when we yield to God’s Spirit and resolve that Jesus Christ uncovers the true God and true humanity, only to the extent that we crucify the old self and live in faith, and only when we stop eating from the forbidden tree do we begin to experience the fullness of life and love God created us and saved us to have. Only then can we begin to experience freedom from our addiction to idols. Only then is the self-perpetuating cycle of futility broken. Only when our sense of worth, self-esteem, purpose, and life is rooted by faith in who God truly is and who we truly are as revealed in Jesus Christ can we personally experience and overflow with the unsurpassable love that the triune God is.
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