Monday, February 1, 2016

Dave Roberson Prophecy

What's the Hurry? Be Patient
I hear the Lord saying to us: What's the hurry? So many don't know how to wait for Me because they don't trust. They don't trust what I can give them without their labor. So many don't wait because they don't want to pay the price of knowing Me so well, trusting Me so much to know what I have already given them and already prepared for them.

I hear the Lord saying to us today: Don't be anxious. Enjoy the time of waiting, because you are getting to know the Father in ways that most Christians never experience. What's the hurry? 

What's the hurry? Be patient. As you wait, you are making yourself--your flesh--submit to My plans. You are making your flesh submit to My love. You are making your fear submit to My trust.

What's the hurry?

Father, we are in no hurry today. We yield our life to You--our steps, every step--we want only in our life what You have for us. That's what we want.

We thank You that You love us so much and You believe in us that as we follow You, as we follow You, Your words that you have given to us will come to pass. In Jesus' Name, amen.

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