Friday, February 12, 2016

Obstacles Make Dreams Bigger

We are governed by the passion of God for us. We are His Beloved, learning to be fully loved by Him. His passion gives us identity. We are warriors, over comers and more than conquerors. The nature of God within our inner man of the Spirit causes us to rise up and occupy a place of anointing, power and wisdom. We are in Christ learning to become like him, and as we pursue the Lord, our vision begins to unfold and we set out on our journey. On this road we shall meet blessings, giftings, opportunities, presence, anointing, power and authority to name but a few!

However, we will also have tribulation, opposition, warfare, persecution and various kinds of obstacles.

Believe it or not, all of these things are good for us. Every one of these situations is designed to enable us to grow up in all things in Jesus. Each one is important and must become the subject of a dialogue with the Father. It’s in our loving, prayerful conversations with God that we learn wisdom. In our relationship with God we discover how He perceives, thinks and likes to do things.

The language He uses towards us is the baseline for our own proclamation. At some point along the road, we will hit an obstacle.

An obstacle is designed to slow us down and make us think.
Left to our own devices, we will simply keep going in the same direction. A barrier is really causing us to pause and take stock. And there are questions that need to be asked of the Holy Spirit. Namely…

What is this barrier for?

It has a job to do for us and—quite possibly—things to be released to us. We must make sure that we receive what the Father wants us to appropriate.

Sometimes an obstacle is placed in front of us by God for the purpose of upgrading our vision and experiencing our dream at a higher level.15
We can only stay on this level for so long. If our identity has not grown we must revisit our growth opportunities on this particular plane of spirituality. If we have learned something on this level but have not practiced it into a continuous experience that transforms our lifestyle, we must repeat the lesson. All we have acquired is head knowledge without a strategic life exchange in Christ.

Some obstacles appear in front of us because the Lord wants to raise our sights and develop a larger vision. The obstruction is bigger than our current experience of God. We are initially made small by it, but we are not reduced. The obstacle can only be here by permission of God, so it has to help us become what He is seeing about us.

To get above any problem, we must see it from a different height.6
We need the viewpoint from where God is standing—not from where we are obstructed. We are learning to ask great questions in our fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

A particular favorite question of mine is the famous: “what do You want to be for me now?” It allows us to explore God’s heart towards us.

What if the obstacle is present to teach us elevation? Our vision needs to go to a higher level and we must see ourselves as someone about to grow into a larger place of relationship with the Lord.

An obstruction can feel like it is challenging our dream but it’s really disputing our identity.7
This obstacle is for our good! Therefore, we must seek God’s perspective. We see more clearly when we are giving thanks. We envision more powerfully when we know that God feels challenged on our behalf.

Our dream must be made bigger. The obstacle is part of the enlargement process.

- Graham Cooke

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