Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Salvation is similar to a coin in that it has two sides: "Christ in you" (heads), and you "in Christ" (tails). Every Christian knows the heads side (Jesus is in me), but to many believers the tails side (I am in Christ) remains a mystery, mere rows of black print on white paper. When some brothers from Grace Fellowship International showed me what it means to be "in Christ" in 1975 it launched me on a fresh, new walk with the Lord. I ultimately counted all of the "tails side" verses (in Christ, in Him, in Jesus Christ, in Christ Jesus, in whom, etc.) in the New Testament, which I then compared with the Christ-in-you-verses (heads). For every Christ-in-you verse, there are ten you-in-Christ verses! That's right. A ten-to-one ratio of you in Christ over Christ in you. If this realization impacts you like it did me, and you’ve embraced only the “heads” side of the coin, you’re already asking God to show you what you’re missing. God wishes all Christians understood and walked in the truth of being “in Christ.” That’s how we became saints!

- Bill Gillham

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