Saturday, February 13, 2016

Living Inside the Circle Of Love


            Your place in the Circle of Life and Love is as secure as the place of Jesus because you are in Him. The only way you could be expelled is if the Father and the Holy Spirit decide to evict Jesus. This very explanation is absurd to the point of stupidity because our God is one indivisible essence expressed in three Persons. There can be no separation between the three, or God would cease to exist. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit have brought you into an irrevocable union with Himself through your adoption in Jesus Christ. One could easier remove all the salt from all the oceans of the world than we can be removed from the union we share with the Trinity. We could make all the stars across the night sky turn black before we could cause our God to turn back on His decision to eternally love us.

            The doctrine of the Trinity is a necessary anchor in life because, when we see that relationship, we see our place of origin. We see our home. We see that we are included and that we always have been.

            This recognition of reality doesn’t just affect the way we see ourselves in relationship to God. It transforms the way we see others, too. Unless you believe that the God who is pure love by His very essence willfully chose to exclude some people and reject others, it becomes very apparent that we all stand on equal ground when it comes to His disposition toward us. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,” the Bible assures us.

            This relationship between Deity and humanity doesn’t suggest that everybody is a Christian, but it does prove that there is nothing left for God to do for us. He has already done it all. Through Jesus He has drawn us into Himself, and the only thing left for us to do is to say, “Thank you!” The Judge of the Cosmos has judged you to be a precious treasure to Him. He doesn’t see you for what you’ve done but as the person He created you to be. He sees you for who you truly are—His beloved child! He has taken away the sin that held mankind in slavery and brought us safely home. (See John 1:29, 1 John 3:5, 1 Peter 2:24.)

            Our Triune God embraced us in eternity past. Later, like a fatal disease, sin broke out on planet earth but the Antidote to Sin had already cured the cancer in eternity. Its application in time took place at Golgotha, and ever since then we can all rest in absolute peace because, as Jesus said, “It is finished.” The Father was “in Christ reconciling the world to Himself” (2 Corinthians 5:19) when “through the eternal Spirit (He) offered Himself” (Hebrews 9:14). There is the gospel message of the Trinity at work to save us from the certain death that sin brings. Through the joint effort of the Father, Son and Spirit, the cancer of sin has gone into remission. Now we simply need to believe it and experience it! (See Acts 2:38, Acts 10:43, Luke 24:47.)

            The finished work of the cross makes it possible for us to look at every human being as a precious object of God’s affection. If Jesus loves the world, and He does, and if our Triune God proved His love at the cross, and He did, then that reality will change the way we relate to people—to all people. If nobody is excluded by Pure Love, the implications of how that affects our lifestyles are staggering.

- Steve McVey

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