A believer is aware that freedom comes from a relationship with God
and is not to be controlled by religious Do's, Don'ts, and the Should's and
Could's of a religion.
A believer is
required to follow only Jesus Christ the Shepard without the burdensome yoke of
religious bondage by renouncing religion as the avenue of finding God and
renouncing the lordship of professional denominated title holders that consider
themselves the spiritual religious elite within institutional
A believer holds to the fact that
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and there is no biblical mandate to
maintain a religious relationship with an institution called "church" in order
to gain or maintain a spiritual relationship with
A believer is a God lover thus, is a
people lover.
A believer proves all things
by the Spirit to ensure the spirit of what is said is of God, and to discern
false teachers who use the name of Jesus to validate their manipulative abuse
and misuse of scripture and their greediness, through the witness of the Holy
Spirit God's appointed Teacher.
A believer is
a follower of Jesus Christ therefore, can know and hear His voice and follow Him
without the noise of religious interference due to man-made denominational
creeds and man-made doctrines formulated by the denominational
A believer biblically declares that
Jesus Christ is the sole Head of His Body, the community of the redeemed, which
is a spiritual community living in the community of humanity that elevates no
man appointed religious leader to an exalted position above the common body as
the spiritual elite, for Jesus alone is the
A believer knows that attending
Sunday-go-meetings is not the determining factor that constitutes being a member
of His body or for receiving or maintaining salvation. Neither is Church a
programmed-event-driven meeting held in a building at predetermined times for
the assembling of people. Rather, Church is a 24/7 life living relationship with
the Divine by the community of the redeemed, in the community of humanity,
experiencing His Life within and out-flowing through them as He does His work in
meeting the needs of humanity.
A believer
realizes that nowhere does the bible allude that following Christ cross is
following a religious institution in its doctrinal delusional confusion,
man-made constitution, tradition, custom or
A believer is accountable to God
alone, and God alone is the Judge...not religious people because of their
hierarchical position.
A believer is a witness
of the fact that Jesus is the Light of the world, the Bread of life, the Manna
from heaven, the Living waters, the Vine of which we are the branches, the
Establisher of the the community of the redeemed, the Sustainer of His body and
the only Master that believers have.
A believer
recognizes that the “fivefold ministry” are not offices or positions filled by
denominational-appointed paid professionals, but are leaders raised up by the
Holy Spirit from among Jesus' body to point people to Jesus and not a religious
A believer acknowledges that
leaders within His body are not divinely entitled to use manipulative tactics by
offering free gifts, God’s blessing, or the threat of curses by God to obtain
tithes and offerings and enlistment of people to keep the religious wheel
A believer realizes that religious
institutions are built on man-made foundations primarily for the benefit of
feeding the denominational self-important, power and prestige of the “spiritual
elite” who manipulate the gullible to give of their, energy time and
A believer believes Jesus' words, "where
two or three are gathered in My name, there Am I in the midst", that does not
warrant gathering in a building known as a church, neither does it require that
a hireling or "professional" denominated clergy need be present as the spiritual
pipeline from God to the people.
A believer
acknowledges that the veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom, providing
believers full access into God’s presence because of the finished and completed
work of Jesus Christ on the cross, no longer needing a man- ordained-priest to
enter God's presence for us.
A believer
asserts that Jesus Christ is our All-Sufficient One, and that people's
dependency upon religion and professional clergy was made obsolete by the
Priesthood of Jesus Christ and the Priesthood of all
A believer believes in the
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