Saturday, January 11, 2014

You Are Slated For Trouble, What Will Be Your Response?

One thing is for sure..."In this world you will have trouble." That means there is no such thing as an issueless life, everybody has problems and nobody is perfect. Even smiling people have issues that plague them. Therefore, don't belittle, judge or condemn people, we all have unique battles we are going through.

For those who are smiling through their battles or those whose expressions are expressionless because of the mistakes they have made or the pain they have caused or the adverse circumstances they are facing, a smile from you may not change the world but, it can change their world!

I know it is easy to feel like you're the only one that is struggling, barely getting by, frustrated and discouraged. But you cannot trust feelings, sometimes they lie. Jesus is going through the struggle with you and he will move on someone to help you find the sunshine and music in your world.

Remember it won't always be this way, there are better days ahead.

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