Lord, thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for not washing your
hands of me. Thank you for not turning your back on me and my brokenness.
Lord, thank you for not
considering me a hopeless case; for not shrugging your shoulders and walking
away from my innumerable failures, great and small.
Lord, thank you for
believing in me when I can't believe in myself.
you for hoping in me when I cant hope in myself. Thank you for trusting me when
I can't trust myself.
Thank you, Lord, for
being my Father who believes in me, who hopes in me, who trusts me and loves me
forever and ever no matter what.
Lord, forgive me for
thinking that your love for me and my love for you can be measured with the
same yardstick.
Your love for me
doesn't depend on what I do for you, Your love for me doesn't falter in the
face of silence.
Your love for me doesn't shrivel in the face of my refusal to
love for me doesn't use me, force me, manipulate me or coerce me. Your love for
me is free, and it sets me free.
Forgive me, Lord, for
trying to do to you what your love won't allow you to do to me.
And even now you say to
me, "Throw away that yardstick!"
Lord, I'm so happy that
you re God!
- Brennan Manning
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