So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to
you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no
life in yourselves. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life,
and I will raise him up on the last day. For My flesh is true food,
and My blood is true drink. He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in
Me, and I in him.” --John 6:53-56
I was thinking how the heart must pump the blood to
the lungs in order for the blood to carry oxygen throughout the body and keep it
alive. The life is in the blood, and that life is oxygen. Giving
someone mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is restoring his life. It makes sense
that God breathed life into man and man became a living soul. The breath of God,
coming from outside man, is the life. In fact, all of creation is
receiving life from God moment by moment. He is all around us. What
if we had blood that had its own oxygen and did not need an outside source? Then
we could live without breathing! In a spiritual sense this is
exactly what we have, the blood of Jesus that possesses life in itself, not
requiring an outside source of life like our blood does. The blood
of Christ will allow our spirit and soul to go on living when the body is
destroyed and the world as a source is
Think about it…God just simply breathed life into man
and man became a living soul. And there became a man. Before that, there was
no man. That is more than our simple minds can really comprehend. But, it is
significant that life came from the breath of God.
And God put that life into our blood, which with the
heart God gave us He designed that we would pump that life throughout our body.
Now we breathe in life from without (life that God gives to creation moment by
moment), and God distributes it throughout our body by the organs He designed.
What is more amazing is the spiritual life that God
gives us through the blood of Christ! Eternal life. Everlasting life. Nothing
can take that life from us…ever. And it doesn’t take this world to be the
source. Well, amen!
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