One of the Brazilian brothers pointed out to me that
when Adam and Eve were tempted to be like God, they were already in the image of
God. In a like manner, Christ was tempted in the wilderness to prove that He
was God, when in fact He was already God. And so it is with us; the enemy will
continue to tempt us to work to become what we already are. Once we succumb to
this temptation, we cast aside faith, along with walking as who God says we are,
and give in to unbelief.
…The enemy will rarely give up on his attempts to
brainwash the Christian. He never wants us to realize who we are in Christ, for
in so doing we will take an offensive position against him, entering into the
battle to take from him those whom he has worked so hard to hold captive. The
truth is that believers never have to live a carnal life or place their will
under his power; we can choose to abide in
In every walk of life the most critical issue for
everyone is to determine what family, what team, what group we are a part of.
Once that is settled, we learn the colors, the sounds, the looks, the “plays,”
the position we are to play. When we learn that we are on the winning team, we
begin to act like winners. Michael dispels the enemy’s lie he keeps pounding
man with: don’t believe and succumb to his tempting us to become what we already
are…LIVE like the victor and over-comer we ARE due to being a part of the family
of God.
And Michael gives us the key to living like who we
really are: KNOW who we really are in Christ, and TAKE the offensive position
against the enemy…instead of casting aside faith and walking as who God says we
are, giving in to unbelief.
It’s a choice, isn't it?
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