The blame and shame game played by religion is a shameful game for
people who claim to be believers to play because it doesn't just accuse that
people are guilty of DOING wrong, it actually accuses people of of BEING wrong
and therefore lower than a snakes belly, not worthy of being loved, respected,
deserving of dignity or consideration...unfit sinners not loved by God,
good-for-nothing-nothings and that is a lie of the devil! The finished work of
Christ on the cross dispels the lie of religion that says people are "unworthy"
and "shameful." The finished work of Christ on the cross stands as the beacon
of people's amazing worth to God, how much He loves people and how deserving
people are to be loved, and
finished work of the cross says God loves and accepts people even
sinning-sinners in the midst of their sin...thus, the cross not only assures us
of God's love but puts to death any lies or accusations that people are
unworthy, shameful, or rejected..for the finished work of the cross proves
people are worth dying for, the finishes work of the cross proves we're not
rejected even at our worst, the cross proves Jesus is not ashamed to be counted
with the transgressors. And thus the cross forever silences those voices of
religious accusations.
The finished work of
the cross shows that His love is a unconditional love, a love that does not take
into account a wrongs done, a love that keeps no record of wrongs, a love that
says of His killers, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are
Religion majors on people's
wrongs...Grace sees past peoples wrongs to the hurting inner man, so in need of
understanding and the tender loving care of his loving Father
The finished work of the cross' clarion
call shouts over the aeons of eternity, He created you for Himself and you are
His very own offspring... worth His dying for! You are worth His very own life.
You are so special and beloved and accepted in His sight that He rather died so
as to have a relationship with You. You are in His heart, His thoughts forever.
He is forever on your side, forever for you, and will never leave you or forsake
you. He will never turn you away from His presence. You're everything to Him,
and He will never let anything keep you from enjoying sweet communion with Him
for ever and always, there ain't no devil going to get
The finished
work of the cross forever stands as proof of God's love and people's value to
Him in the face of any accusation or lying voice of religious blame and shame or
condemnation...for He says you are worth His dying for, you are loved no matter
what wrong you have done, He will never love you any less no matter how often
you fail, He's for you, on your side, to do you good, no matter what, forever
and always.
Jesus is committed, faithful, His
love is unconditional, nonjudgmental, generous, self-sacrificing and
people-centered...PURE LOVE! The finished work of the cross is your proof that
it is so!
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