Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Joy Will Get You Through

            The time of unhindered joy is here. I am exposing the treachery of the enemy. He has come more than once to your door to entice you away from the joy of the Lord. Accusations have come, bad news has been proclaimed, disappointment has tried to enter your family, but I say to you: My joy will get you through. No longer will you allow discouragement to win the day, for I am the God of joyous breakthrough! Have you not found gladness as you have served Me and prayed to Me? This is only a foretaste of the bliss I have reserved and stored up for you. The future will be nothing like your past, so leap for joy, shout for joy, and dance with joy!

            Have no fear of anything, for nothing can take from you the presence of My Spirit. Joy is your portion, your inheritance, and the fruit of My Spirit. Taste the delicious fruit of joy, and sweetness will enter your inner being. The ecstasy of knowing Me must triumph in this hour.

            Did I not say to My disciples in the midst of their storm, “Be of good cheer. It is I, be not afraid”? These are the same words I say to you today. Sing for joy. Do all that I have called you to do with sacred delight, for I bless you beyond measure, more than hundredfold. Let your joyous laughter be heard in your home, and watch what I will do to change your environment. Hold nothing back, for the enemy is threatened when you taste of My joy and enter into My gladness. Rejoice, and rejoice, and rejoice! Joy will get you through into the new place I’m calling you to. Today is the day made for you, so rejoice and be filled with gladness, for I am your God!

 PSALM 100:4–5 

            Come right into his presence with thanksgiving.
            Come bring your thank-offering to him
            And affectionately bless his beautiful name!
            For the Lord is always good
            And ready to receive you.
            He’s so loving that it will amaze you;
            So kind that it will astound you!
            And he is famous for his faithfulness toward all.
            Everyone knows our God can be trusted,
            For he keeps his promises to every generation!

            List the ways God has kept His promises to you and your family. Then express your gratitude to Him extravagantly. Proclaim that “he is famous for his faithfulness toward all”!

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