Thursday, December 31, 2015

“Live in My Spirit.”

            I am calling you to leave behind the reasoning of this world, the opinions and traditions of men, and come into true life with Me. You have lived in your mind; now live in My Spirit. The realm of the Holy Spirit is opened by My grace so that you can know me not in your mind but with your spirit. My Spirit will give to you gifts, fruit, wisdom, and power. Live in My Spirit, and you will find your true destiny.

            The table of fellowship has been prepared. Come and dine with Me and enter into a greater joy, the joy of communion of the Holy Spirit. The highest joys and the best path for you will be found by living in My Spirit.

            Feed your spirit with My Life, and you will be transformed from the inside out. The new reality I am calling you to is the reality of life in Me. The ways of man cannot bring you the joys of heaven.

            If you ask Me, I will come and bring you deeper understanding of My ways. If you ask Me for life, I will not bring you confusion. If you ask Me for living bread, I will not give you anything less than My best.

            You can trust Me, so ask, and you will receive the fullness of My Spirit. Live in My Spirit, and you will discover who I have made you to be.

 LUKE 11:11–13

            “Do you know of any father who would give his son a snake on a plate when he asked for a serving of fish? Of course not! Do you know of any father who would give his daughter a spider when she had asked for an egg? Of course not! If imperfect parents know how to lovingly take care of their children and give them what they need, how much more will the perfect heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit’s fullness when his children ask him.”

            When have you experienced the fullness of His Spirit in the past? In what areas do you need Him to fill you today? Write a few examples of each, and allow the joy of His past filling to boost your appetite for His Spirit today.

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